Sharing Music In Community
Upcoming Events
Welcome! The Holland American Legion Band was established in 1920 by the Willard G. Leenhouts American Legion Post 6 in Holland, Michigan. The Band has performed locally, around the state, around the country, and around the world.
Our talented musicians perform a summer concert series from June through August, and occasionally participate in other special events.
We hope to see you at one of our concerts! Check out our calendar page for more information, or connect with us on Facebook or Instagram.
“Kollen Park was packed with audience members listening attentively. There were families, single folks, dog lovers with their pets, couples and groups of friends. And the programming was diverse and interesting. Next summer, we’ll all be checking the Kollen Park schedule, and attending with picnic blanket and snacks.”
From “At home and on the road: Pandemic made us appreciate live arts all the more” by Rhonda Edgington, Community Columnist for the Holland Sentinel. 12/9/22.
Play in the Band
Do you play a brass or wind instrument, or are you a percussionist? Do you enjoy performing great music with friendly, talented people? If yes, then please consider joining the Holland American Legion Band. We welcome experienced musicians of high school age or older.
Please use these links to learn more about Band membership or to listen to some of our recordings.
"Stirring, professional, excellent performance during our Tulip Festival attendance. Many thanks for your talent, enthusiasm and commitment. We will tell all who can hear about this superb group of artists."
Sunshine Bus Tour member, Jared Baker, May 2023.